Monday, October 16, 2006
New Team For Me

Sunday, October 01, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Training After The Fact
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Joe Martin and the Rest of My Season
Two weeks ago I had high hopes for this weekend. I was on top of the world, feeling strong, healthy and confident. I actually felt fast. Apple Pie went well if you exclude the last mile of the race and I was set to destroy the field on Sunday for Andy H at the Cougar Crit. That never happened. Instead I got sick from some bad pizza. I still love pizza a lot and that will never change, but the folks making better watch out. Cause if this crap happens again I'm not staying home puking and crap'n my brains out, I'm come'n up there for ya. So I loose about another 10 pounds on top of the 5 that I lost from racing earlier that day. No race for Rusty on Sunday. In fact I couldn't even muster up the strength to ride my bike till the Tuesday night crit. I felt weak. Sure I was in the break on Tuesday night, but I could barely turn the cranks to stay in. Training pretty much dropped off from there. I wasn't able to do adequate zone2 workouts let a lone the short high intensity sessions I had planned for race week. Things didn't change on race day. I still had no power for the road race and my stomach was in knots the whole time. I finished well inspite of the scoring which I refuse to even look at. The TT was more of the same. I got a pretty good start, and passed 2 guys. The whole time I couldn't get on top of my pedal stroke. I always felt like I was way behind. I even put in a slower time than last year. SUCK! Crit time. This is always a hard one. Just gotta make the selection to save a little face, getting dropped here would have surely meant the end of the season for me. Downward spiral of depression for sure. I managed to stay in the front group. I pretty much "cheated" up the hill every time by rolling to the front on the flats and small chainring up the hill, then hop onto the end of the train when it came by. No power. All systems were failing and I was barely surviving a weekend that was suppose to be a break through. That's it. No more. It's over. No questions. Nothing. The weekend is behind me and I'm moving on.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Weekend Recap - Tour of STL
Saturday, Carondelet Park. Man, is there always a wreck in the last lap of this race? There aren't any f'ing corners. I didn't see it so I won't comment on what happened, but I will say something about what I saw on the cool down lap. Some jerk stores ripping the poor kid from Columbia a new a-hole about the wreck. Was it his fault? I don't know or care, but show a little respect especially when it looked like the kids dad was standing right there. Enough on that. The rest of my ranting will be about me and my racing deficiencies (see Sunday). So, back to the race. Small field, kinda cool and damp. I hate that kind of weather. My tires slide, I get zero traction when I sprint what ever. So, last lap going into the first bump before the finish I'm screaming at my lead out guy to go faster. He poops out and I am alone. All I remember is trying to sprint my ass off and my bike is sliding all over the place. I get maybe every other pedal stroke to connect. I start freaking out cause I think I'm gonna get caught, and guess what. I did. A Mesa fella came past a bit before the line and out of no where Nick Coil saves the day for the win. I got 3rd. No problem, I felt great. Can a guy get a little F'ING TRACTION? Is that too much to ask? Totally my fault. That was lesson number one learned from the weekend. Here is lesson number 2. So, during this race I keep hearing people yell at Andy in the pack and from the side and I'm thinking WTF? I am the only one that gets to yell at Andy. Come to find out there is more than one Andy in St. Louis and he rides for Mesa. So, Andy from Mesa if you ever hear me cussing your name in a race again, I'm not mad at you, just trying motivate a teammate.
Saturday, TT. I drove out there with Danny B. The wind was throwing us all of the road and the sky was getting bad. This TT is not for the faint of heart when it is dry and actually light out. I'm thinking the worst. Maybe me over the cliff kinda thing. It was slick out on the course with the leaves and oak or whatever that slippery crap was. I ended up with a pretty good time that stuck for the win by like 38 hundredths of a second over my teammate Nick Coil (5:57 something). He is now my bitch.
Sunday, Forest Park. I thought I had my head in the game. I had a good warm-up and felt great. Almost too good. That's the problem with flat courses. All the fatties were there and I got beat by at least half of them. You just can't drop fatties on a flat course. So, that's lesson number 3. Why can't I get it through my thick head. It is not worthwhile to try to drop fatties on a flat course. Race your race, attack in moderation, and cover breaks that look good. So, I got 12th. SUCK! But that's bike racing. Get your head in the game and keep it there. Don't be stupid. I still picked up second in the overall by like 1 point and Nick Coil got 1st in the overall. More racing next weekend.
That was for you Dave Brez. Now I gotta get to the Crit.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Fast, crap that was a fast start for a 100+ mile road race. Not having much experience racing in the "A" race since I'm a suck ass 3 take it how you want. The start was f'ing FAST.
Quite a few people were dropped before we summited the first climb which was HUGE!
I was feeling great, almost too good if ya know what I mean. At the start of the race I was one of the silly people up front chasing people. About 35 minute in Brewer asked me how I was feeling and I told him I wished we were 1:35 into the race. Not good since we had at least another 4 hours ahead of us.
These guys can climb. We're going up these dare I say hills big chain ring style. Some were steep enough to throw it in the 39, but when there was a surge you better be tough enough to get back in your 53 cause the group ain't wait'n.
One would think that the second lap would be more tame cause of the smaller group and ~55miles of climbing in your legs. Wrong. First climb second lap. DRILLED IT! The surges started again. I kept myself up near the front and was fine.
Man, these guys get more and more horse shit with each other the farther along the race progresses. By horse shit I don't mean poop in the road, or people being mean and calling each other names. This is a term I use for those times in the race when the attacks start, and people counter, and there is chasing and PAIN all with the intention of dropping people out the back! The anticipation of "horse shit" behavior is the worst. It is almost a guarantee that when there is a climb 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up someone will attack and then counter and then hammer at the crest.
All in all this is a great course and I will be back next year. I ended up finishing 8th. Yeah believe it, 8th in a 1/2/3 road race. I wasn't just sitting in, I continued to chase/attack for the duration of the ~110 miles. I learned so much from this race and have a new respect for the 1/2 field.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sylvan Springs
Third in the 3/4 race isn't too bad especially for the first crit of the year. Definitely nothing to brag about. Andy H and I are getting a better feel for each other for the 2006 race season. He stepped up for the lead out when teams of about six didn't have the balls to. After a few more races to dial in our attack we should be a pretty tough combo. A 30minute plus 5 laps race doesn't mean SHIT!
The 1/2/3 race was a bit different. The hour of rest between the two races wasn't bad since the 3/4 was more of a warm and never put me in difficulty. I was aggressive and closed gaps, but when it was really gonna count I got a little intimidated by the field of riders. That was pretty dumb since I had a bunch left at the end and should have sucked it up and blew myself out for the finish. That won't happen again. I had fun though and finished 19th. Much better distance for me 60minutes plus 5 laps.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Let The POO Continue
1:30 Zone2-5b
27.3 miles
A2 - 4-4-4 minute work intervals w/ 4 minutes rest (missed 2 intervals)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I feel like POO
2:30 Zone2
47.93 miles
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Week 17 Build1
2:00 Zone2-5a
39.17 miles
M2 - 7-8-9-8-7 minute work intervals w/ 3 minutes rest
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Totals - Week of 02/20/06
Base3 7 hours
Training week #16
166.18 miles
It worked out that I had a rest week for Froze Toes. Can you believe people got dropped in the 1/2/3 field... Pretty easy to sit in and chill unlike what I had heard for previous years.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Totals - Week of 02/13/06
Base3 15 hours
Training week #15
286.72 miles
That week sucked. All hours done on the trainer due to weather and work. Nothing like busting out a few 3 hour and a 4 hour training rides in the basement....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Week 15
M2 7-8-9-8-7 minutes w/ 3 minutes rest @ Zone4-5a
2:30 Zone2-5a
46.61 miles
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Totals - Week of 02/06/06
Base3 13.5 hours
Training week #14
250.27 miles
Cold in Illinois
4:03 Zone2 ish
66.2 miles
Market Place to Maeystown with add-on climb
Saturday, February 11, 2006

3:11 F2 - all zones on climbs
52.17 miles
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Base2, Week 4
1:00 Zone2
16.88 miles
Sunday, January 22, 2006
End of Base2
2:30 Zone2
45.98 miles
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Covered Bridge
4:30 Zone-All
75.88 miles
Covered Bridge from Webster
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Feel The Burn
3:00 Zone2
55.73 miles
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Base2, Week 3
1:30 M1 - 60 minutes of Zone 3 Average HR 172 bpm
28.75 miles
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Totals - Week of 01/09/06
Base2 12.5 hours
Training week #10
225.73 miles
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Totals - Week of 01/02/06
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Base2, Week 1
I went to the Trek Store STL to look at bikes today at lunch and picked out a 2005 Trek Madone 5.2SL. Brewer and his staff were able to get me fitted after work and the bike was 99% finished by the end of the evening. Exact setup as my Lemond Tete De Course. That is a quick turn around. The new bike, even with Ultegra, is ~1 pound lighter then the Tete. I am planning to pick it up tomorrow after work. It would have been done last night, but I needed the next size larger handlebar. Luckily in stock and ready to go. Pictures tomorrow hopefully.
Today's training was great. Short and sweet.
1:00 M1 - 35 minutes of Zone 3 Average HR 170 bpm
19.2 miles
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Totals - Week of 12/26/05
Base1 7.0 hours
Training week #8
136.9 miles
A little over time for the rest week, but feeling good.
Funny Math...
2:40 Zone2
46.25 miles
Rock Creek Area