Sunday, January 08, 2006

Totals - Week of 01/02/06

Who knows what my totals were this week. Something like 4.5 hours. Training was going well until my bike commute to work on Friday. Bike commute? Yes, bike commute. I changed jobs in November to work closer to home, more predictable hours, and the ability to ride my bike to work. Well, the first commute didn't go well. I made it 2.5 miles into an 8.5 mile ride when I got smoked at a 4 way stop by some dude not paying attention. It was my turn to go through the intersection and about 3/4ths of the way through I heard the rev of the motor and the grill of a GMC Jimmy up in my face. Yeah, oh shit is what I thought. No where to go, nothing I could. Bang. I get hit and thrown off my bike and back into the intersection. I've never been hit that hard by anything before and we weren't going more than 10-15 MPH. Got to spend the morning at the hospital. Long story short I am still alive, my Lemond Tete De Course is busted as well as some miscellaneous bike equipment. SUCK ASS!